Publicat Ieri

International Accountant

crown Compania VIP
crown Compania VIP

Informații de bază

Program de lucru:
Entry-Level (< 2 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

Who we are: Safeguard Global is an outsourcing company that provides services of Payroll, Accounting, Hr Administration, Staff Leasing, etc. We can hire and pay anywhere in the world.
What we do: We equip organizations with the technology, local expertise, and service to adapt to an ever-shifting global market

Key responsibilities:

  • Maintain compliant policies and procedures for processing payroll checks
  • Implementing, processing, preparing, and analyzing payroll reports;
  • Communicating with clients and local authorities;
  • Connecting with clients and colleagues and establishing good communication;
  • Acting as a brand ambassador and good steward for the company.
We would love to hear from you if:
  • You are passionate about numbers and are able to maintain a high level of accuracy in your work;
  • You speak English. Another language would be a great asset (French, Italian, Spanish, German);
  • You have an economic/financial/international relations education background and would enjoy working in this field. We also welcome students in their last year at University who are eager to put their knowledge into practice;
  • You are excited to develop yourself in an international environment;
  • You have little experience in accounting or in other related fields, that is a plus, but not a requirement.
  • Our talented team will be more than happy to share with you their knowledge.
  • You are trusted and never compromise your ethics.
Benefits of joining Safeguard:
  • Work from Anywhere Flexibility – Choose to work remotely or from the office, in a way that suits you best.
  • Paid Family Leave – Take paid time off to bond with your new family member.
  • 2 Volunteer Days – Support causes you care about with dedicated paid time off.
  • Recognition & Rewards Program – Be appreciated and rewarded for your achievements and for living our company values.
  • Annual Bonus or Incentive Plan – All employees are eligible for a yearly bonus or performance-based incentives.
Want to know moreSee Our Values
Fun: Games, tennis table, gym, online (off-line) team-buildings company-wide and also for each Team.
Caring: Give some time to your community, 2 paid days for charity, and other days off paid by the company for specific reasons
Passion/Talent: Safeguard Global has dedicated employees with a huge professional background and ready to share all that knowledge with you!
Abilități cheie
Analiza datelor Instrumente Big Data Precizie Cercetare și analiza datelor

Despre companie

Safeguard Global is a global provider of accounting, payroll, and HR administration services for international customers. We also help people get paid in over 179 countries through our global managed payroll and workforce solutions.

We believe that our passion and love for laughter makes us a better company. At Safeguard, we care for each other and that is what makes us different. Our main goal is to ensure that we give our best, that we develop our talents, that we accept responsibility, and that we prefer to choose what is right over what is easy.

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Adresa postului vacant
Chișinău, Centru, str. Cantemir Dimitrie bd., 5/4
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Încă ești în căutarea unui loc de muncă sau poate cauți angajați pentru firma ta?