Publicat Recent

Safety specialist

Informații de bază
Program de lucru:
Entry-Level (< 2 ani)
Botanica, Centru, Chișinău

Descrierea poziției vacante

At GT HUB, we are committed to ensuring the highest safety standards in the trucking industry. We are looking for a dedicated Safety Specialist to join our team and help maintain and enhance our safety protocols.


  • Develop and implement safety policies and procedures
  • Conduct regular safety audits and inspections
  • Train and educate drivers and staff on safety regulations and best practices
  • Investigate accidents and incidents to identify causes and prevent future occurrences
  • Ensure compliance with all federal and state safety regulation

We need someone with:

  • Strong Skills and Abilities
  • Attention to Detail
  • Excellent Communication
  • Problem-Soling Abilities
  • Knowledge of Safety Regulation

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Adresa postului vacant
Chișinău, Botanica, str. Valea Trandafirilor 20

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