Publicat Recent

PHP full stack web developer

Informații de bază

Program de lucru:
Mid-Level (2-5 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

This is a full-time remote role for a PHP Full Stack Web Developer at RHT - Global Reservation. The role involves handling day-to-day tasks related to web development and programming, working on both the front and back end of websites or web applications, and ensuring optimal functionality and user experience.


  • Proficiency in PHP programming language
  • Experience with frontend technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Knowledge of backend frameworks such as Laravel or Yii2
  • Familiarity with database management systems like MySQL
  • Ability to work independently and in a team, strong problem-solving skills, and attention to detail
  • Excellent communication skills and a proactive approach to learning new technologies
  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field

Despre companie

HR managerul companiei nu a reușit să completeze acest câmp, dar fii sigur, ei au o istorie super interesantă. Curând îi vom contacta și-i vom ruga să o adauge. Până atunci, vezi ofertele lor de angajare.

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Adresa postului vacant
Chișinău, Centru, str. Mitropolit Gavriil Banulesu Bodoni, 25

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