Publicat Ieri

Python Developer

Informații de bază

Program de lucru:
Mid-Level (2-5 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

We are actively seeking a Python Developer to become part of our dynamic and enjoyable team.

Your work consists of:

  • Backend Development: Design, develop, and maintain the server-side logic of our web applications. Experience with Python 3+ years of experience.
  • Database Management: Create and optimize database schemas, queries, and manage data storage.
  • API Development: Build and maintain robust and scalable APIs to facilitate communication between the frontend and backend systems (all our logic is implemented in backend).
  • Integration: Create apps to integrate multiple data sources (including IoT data streams, APIs, external databases).
  • Security Implementation: Implement and adhere to security best practices, including data encryption, authentication, and authorization mechanisms.
  • Backup: Developing additional data backup and recovery strategies based on a contingency plan.
  • Adopting Best Practices: Stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in backend development, incorporate new technologies and methodologies.

You have:

  • Experience and skills in writing documentation, testing, following best practices.
  • Nice-to-have: experience with integrations, working with streams of sensor data.
  • Experience with cloud core architecture.
  • Experience with real-time IoT data pipelines is a plus.
  • Experience with on-premise deployments is a plus.
  • You have doubts whether this is you? Contact us, let’s see together!

You are:

  • An excellent communicator in English (written and oral).
  • Someone who challenges our processes to make them better. Its a new team, new project, we need help shaping.
  • Someone who performs better in teams.

Our techstack:

  • Backend: Python, Django, PostgreSQL, AMQP broker.
  • Frontend: React, Typescript, CSS3, SCSS, State Management.
  • Infrastructure: AWS, Terraform.
  • We have experience with Angular, RxJS, and state management (aviation).

We are appreciated for:

  • Daily shared lunches
  • Prepaid Udemy and Laracast accounts
  • Referral bonus for internal and external recommendations
  • Free English courses
  • Fun ways to relax: PlayStation, table tennis
  • Corporate events for employees
  • Beverage fridge, free coffee, tea, fresh fruits
  • Modern equipment
  • Official employment and social package
  • Modern and comfortable workplace

Submit your CV at: to join a company as UNIQUE as YOU are! 

For more information, please visit our website at or call us: [vezi telefon]069499934.

Despre companie

BackstageIT is a strong IT company that helps worldwide partners extend their in-house teams of software developers in Moldova. From 2019 we are helping businesses mirror their brand identity inside the office from Moldova. The teams work from Backstage office, but share the same corporate culture & values as the partner company does.

Currently, the company has 100 employees and 15 international partners from 5 different countries.

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Adresa postului vacant
Chișinău, str. Columna 102
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