Publicat Recent

Logistics manager

Informații de bază

de la 700 USD
Program de lucru:
Entry-Level (< 2 ani), Mid-Level (2-5 ani), Senior-Level (> 5 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

We, a transport company engaged in freight transportation in the US and Canadian markets with offices in Canada, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine, have our own truck fleet in Canada. The main task is to find cargo at the best price and provide comprehensive support to our clients.

Position: Logistics Manager, Logistics Coordinator, Freight Dispatcher.

Employment: full-time (8-hour working day), Monday-Friday 14:30-00:00.

Expected skills of the Applicant:

  • Fluent in spoken English (not lower than Upper-Intermediate and Advanced;
  • Experience in logistics (optional);
  • Experience in sales (optional);
  • Analytical mindset, ability to work in different directions (multitasking), quick response to changing work tasks;
  • Communicative skills and ability to find a common language with clients and brokers.


  • Organization of cargo transportation in the USA and Canada.
  • Search for cargo and agree on prices with brokers.
  • Issuing a cargo application for a specific driver.
  • Informing the driver about all details regarding the cargo.
  • Full and constant support of the client and providing comprehensive logistical support. Be in communication with relevant services in case of need for technical assistance to the driver.
  • Planning, coordinating and monitoring loading and unloading times. Providing the consignor and consignee with advance information about the time of arrival of the vehicle.
  • Receiving confirmation of delivery from the driver.
  • Providing information at the client's request as promptly and politely as possible.

We are waiting for your resumes and hope that you will become part of our friendly team!

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