Publicat Ieri

Business Intelligence Analyst

crown Compania VIP Top Angajator 2024
crown Compania VIP Top Angajator 2024

Informații de bază

Program de lucru:
Entry-Level (< 2 ani), Mid-Level (2-5 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 850 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe.

The Business Intelligence Analyst will play a critical role in supporting the CFO by delivering advanced reporting and analytics capabilities within the telecom company.

This position focuses on transforming financial and operational data into actionable insights that drive strategic decision-making.

what you will be doing:

  • Data Analysis: Extract, clean, and analyze financial, network, billing, etc. data to identify trends and insights
  • Data Cube Development: Build and maintain data cubes that integrate multiple data sources for comprehensive financial modeling and analysis
  • Reporting & Dashboards: Design, develop, and automate reports and dashboards to present data in a clear and impactful manner
  • Collaboration with IT: Work closely with IT teams to understand data architecture, ensure data accuracy, and optimize data flow for reporting purposes
  • Insights Generation: Translate complex data findings into actionable insights, providing recommendations to enhance financial performance and operational efficiency
  • Stakeholder Communication: Present analytical findings and reports to stakeholders, ensuring clarity and understanding of the data-driven insights

what we are looking for:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Business, Data Analytics, or a related field
  • Relevant certifications (e.g., CFA, CPA) are a plus
  • Strong skills in SQL for data extraction and analysis
  • Proficiency in coding for report generation and dashboard creation, with a focus on automation
  • Experience with tools such as DOMO or similar platforms for effective data presentation
  • Solid understanding of financial principles and metrics, with the ability to apply them in a telecom context
  • Previous experience in the telecom sector is highly desirable
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English to convey complex data insights to non-technical stakeholders

what's in it for you:

  • international environment and guaranteed life-work balance
  • a unique learning experience in our company
  • working experience with great potential for growth
  • competitive salary
  • benefits and compensations that you can discover on

We invite you to join Orange for a unique learning and working experience, with great potential for growth in an innovative environment. 

If you share the same views, please send us your CV today. We will be happy to welcome you into a young and dynamic team!

Working for Orange is one of a kind experience. Come check it out!

Orange Systems
Calea Iesilor 8, Chisinau, Moldova

Despre companie

Să lucrezi la Orange reprezintă o experiență unică din punct de vedere digital şi uman, identică cu cea pe care o oferim clienților noștri, pentru că ascultăm şi răspundem.

La Orange oferim oportunităţi egale pentru toţi candidaţii, indiferent de sex, vârstă, religie, apartenenţă etnică, orientare politică, sexuală și de orice alt gen. Diversitatea este factorul cheie al succesului nostru. Talentul şi motivaţia angajatului stau în centrul acţiunilor noastre.

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii

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Orange Moldova - compania în care aproape 50 la sută din funcțiile manageriale sunt ocupate de femei

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Citiți în întregime
7876 13-11-2023


Adresa postului vacant
Chișinău, Buiucani, Calea Ieşilor 8
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