Publicat Ieri

Тайный покупатель, оценка качества сервиса

Informații de bază
Program de lucru:
Part-time, Sarcină unică, Program flexibil
Fără Experiență, Studenți, Entry-Level (< 2 ani)
Anenii Noi, Bălți, Briceni, Cahul, Căușeni

Descrierea poziției vacante

4 the service invites active and dedicated people to the position of Mystery Shopper. The main goal is to evaluate the service level in order to improve service quality. We offer one-off jobs with a flexible schedule and partial employment. No work experience is required, the vacancy is suitable for students and people without work experience. Locations: Бельцы, Анений-Ной, Бричани, Кагул, Каушани.

Requirements for the candidate:

  • Готовность к обучнию;
  • Activity and communication;
  • Ответственность;
  • Desire to work and earn;

Duties of the candidate:

  • Visiting shops with the aim of evaluating the quality of the service (might take around 20 min for 1 visit)
  • Filling out questionnaires describing your experience during the visit

We offer:

  • Flexible work schedule;
  • Projects with attractive payment;
  • Additional bonuses and premiums.

Application process:

If you are ready to join our team, please send your resume via the platform. Your resume will never fall into employers' spam if sent through this platform. Waiting for your answers!

Salary: Negotiable.

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii

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