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CV de la 06.06.2023

Sunt gata să accept orice funcție

15 000 lei

Informații de bază

Nume, Prenume:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Data nașterii:
29 Decembrie 1985 (39 ani)
Program de lucru:
Full-time, Part-time
Număr de contact:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Rețele sociale:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP

Domeniul de activitate

IT Software

Despre mine

Mă specializez în inginerie WordPress, creând site-uri robuste și optimizând performanța acestora. De asemenea, am expertiză în dezvoltarea ReactJS, unde creez interfețe de utilizator dinamice și interactive pentru a îmbunătăți experiența generală a utilizatorului. În plus, am folosit instrumente precum WP-CLI și Bedrock Framework, și adesea încorporez metode Laravel în proiectele personalizate WordPress.

I specialize in WordPress engineering, crafting robust websites and optimizing their performance. My expertise also extends to ReactJS development, where I create dynamic and interactive user interfaces to enhance the overall user experience. Additionally, I have utilized tools such as WP-CLI and the Bedrock Framework, and I often incorporate Laravel approaches into custom WordPress projects.


Quadra-Digital S.R.L.


Iulie 2023 - Prezent
Full-Stack WordPress Engineer with Laravel Framework skills.


Working for Watches World Company. A global e-commerce platform that buys, sells and exchanges luxury watches worldwide. I was solely responsible for the company's sales website. Here I had the opportunity to leverage all my experience and knowledge in this field to drive impactful outcomes.

Working for Watches World Company. A global e- commerce platform that buys, sells and exchanges luxury watches worldwide. I was solely responsible for the company's sales website. Here I had the opportunity to leverage all my experience and knowledge in this field to drive impactful outcomes.
- Problem-solving for CI/CD: Implemented and maintained continuous integration and continuous deployment processes.
- Optimizing website loading speed: Enhanced site performance for a better user experience.
- Project analysis and documentation: Conducted thorough project analysis and maintained detailed documentation.
- Reorganizing information architecture: Improved the site's information structure for better navigation and usability.
- Creating tasks, timelines, and
management: Developed and managed project plans, including task creation and timeline management.
- Technical documentation and Git
workflow: Authored technical documentation and established a Git workflow suitable for the team.
- Balancing immediate and long-term
needs: Prioritized urgent tasks while planning for long-term maintenance.
- Team leadership and supervision: Led the development team, supervised other developers, and provided hands-on involvement as needed.
- Front-end optimization: Improved front-end performance without extensive refactoring.
- Future-proofing projects: Identified methods to work with an incorrectly structured project to facilitate future migrations.
BackstageIT B.V.


Mai 2022 - Iunie 2023
(1 an 1 lună)


In this company it was possible to take the next step with ReactJS experience.
Best4U International


Iunie 2021 - Mai 2022
(11 luni)


At this company, I had the opportunity to develop projects in a more modern and technically advanced manner. My responsibilities and achievements included:

- Learning the basics of ReactJS and the Laravel
- Developing custom Gutenberg blocks
- Utilizing tools like WP-CLI, the Bedrock Framework
and Laravel approaches in custom WordPress
- Working with the PHP Blade Template Engine, using
OOP PHP and vanilla JavaScript
- Leveraging Git, Docker, and Composer for efficient
project management and development


Ianuarie 2018 - Ianuarie 2021
(3 ani )


At this company, I advanced significantly in my profession. I learned the importance of task management, quality responsibility, and effective communication. My responsibilities included:

- Create the information structure (taxonomy sytem, custom tax&post types)
- Starting to create Custom Plugins and Themes
- Clean projects from viruses, updated from old code,
speed optimisation, code refactoring and much more
stuff like this
- Organise brainstorming sessions to come up with
ideas and do tasks management

Limbi străine

Româna — Nativ
Rusa — Mediu
Engleza — Expert
Abilități cheie
Networking Lucru în echipa Leadership Time Management Wordpress (ACF CPT UI WPML WP-CLI) Gutenberg Block Dev Vanilla PHP Laravel PHP framework HTML5 & CSS3 SCSS Bootstrap ver. 3 4 5 JavaScript ReactJS jQuery Git Bitbucket Nginx Apache MAMP Docker Redis Gitlab Experience with Digital Ocean Droplet Knowledges of other CMS like Joomla and Shopify SSH

Permis de conducere

Categorie — B, C
Cu automobil Personal

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