Недавно опубликовано

Manager departament vânzări

Основная информация

от 15 000 MDL
Вид занятости:
Профессионально-техническое, Высшее
Entry-Level (< 2 лет), Mid-Level (2-5 лет)

Описание вакансии

Job description:
We fill our team with people who like to sell and get good benefits.

  • Identifying and contacting clients;
  • Increase sales volume;
  • Develop, maintain business relationships with customers;
  • Planning and time organization skills;
  • You like results and know how to get them.
  • Solid knowledge of English;
  • Positive, not negative people;
  • Excellent communication skills and persuasiveness;
  • Previous sales experience is welcome;
  • Responsible and disciplined;
  • Desire for professional development and personal income growth;
  • Attention to detail.
If you are interested, please send your CV to hr@acvila.md. Please specify the position for which you are applying for. For more details about the company you can access our website www.acvila.md and www.moldabela.com.
Best of luck!

О компании

Acvila Grup's goal is to turn enterprises that are part of the association into world leaders in their respective fields. Perform this activity by continuous improvement of enterprise indictors.

Отзывы о компании

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Адрес вакансии
Кишинёв, Скулянка, str. Calea Iesilor, 10B
Эл. почта:

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