Недавно опубликовано

Manager Serviciu Clienti

Основная информация

Вид занятости:
Entry-Level (< 2 лет)

Описание вакансии

We are looking for a result oriented person, able to solve problems and offer best quality service to our clients.


  • Order processing (order entry, ammendments and confirmation)
  • Monitoring orders through the delivery cycle.
  • Setting up internal systems to meet customer specifications on packing, label and delivery.
  • Direct contact with customers, the factory, and sales team regarding order and delivery status.
  • After sales support- customer requests for additional information, returns, and other claims or questions that may arise.
  • Preparation of analysis on orders, delivery status, stocks.


  • Good skills in English, Russian and Romanian 
  • Attention to detail
  • Computer literacy (good command of Excel)
Payments and benefits:
  • Motivating salary
  • Professional work environment, an interesting experience working with people
  • Participation at international exhibitions
  • Opportunity for promotion
Interested candidates are requested to send CV to hr@acvila.mdPlease, specify the position for which you are applying.
Thank you for the interest in our company. If you meet the job requirements, we will contact you within a week. Unfortunately, we are unable to repond to all job applicants.

О компании

Acvila Grup's goal is to turn enterprises that are part of the association into world leaders in their respective fields. Perform this activity by continuous improvement of enterprise indictors.

Отзывы о компании

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Адрес вакансии
Кишинёв, Скулянка, str. Calea Iesilor, 10B
Эл. почта:

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