(United Kingdom)
1. Ensure the bar is prepared for set up in advance of each shift.(Romania)
1. Receiving, unpacking, and arranging new shipments from suppliers and vendors. 2. Providing shopping advice and recommendations to customers.(United States)
1. Manage transactions with customers using cash registers.Профиль: “Faculty of Letters”
Страна: Romania
General Objectives
- Python basics
- OOP pillars understanding
- Design patterns in automation testing: POM
- Web automation with Selenium WebDriver
- Behaviour Driven Development
- Intro to API testing
Termenii UI si UX ce reprezinta elementele de baza prin care este definita experienta unui utilizator cu o aplicatie sau un site web:
UI (User Interface) – isi concentreaza atentia pe modul in care arata produsul
UX (User Experience) – isi concentreaza atentia asupra perceptiei pe care o are userul despre produsul cu care intra in contact
Un designer UI/UX combina aceste doua elemente cercetand utilizatorii, analizand experientele acestora si punand in aplicare concluziile in mod vizual prin intermediul machetelor, wireframe-urilor si prototipurilor.